• Generating a Caesar Cipher Wheel with AI

    Natural language is so much more expressive and yet much less precise. It’s the ultimate abstraction layer. It’s so high and so detached from code that even non-programmers can express themselves in a way that machines understand. Imagine the power of programming in the hands of everyone on Earth.

  • AI and the future of software development

    Humans and machines Machines have long been around us. They multiply our powers and speed and unlock feats we never imagined before. Through all these years, the sophistication of these constructs grew exponentially. This increased their usefulness to the point that it is unimaginable for many of us to live without them. I am not…

  • Upgrading RAM on my home server

    I own a HP ProLiant Microserver Gen10+ which is customizable just enough to bring back those delightful moments. This post documents my journey of upgrading RAM in my home server.

  • Why I write and why You should too

    Write to learn, to think and to share. It’ll change your life. Start today.

  • NGXS vs. NgRx: A Comprehensive Guide to State Management in Angular

    NGXS and NgRx take two different approaches to the same challenges. Read on to discover how and why. I wish this post existed, so I wrote it.

  • Chasing Ghosts: Decoding ID3 Tags

    Occasionally, I find myself digging in places I wish I never knew about. This post is my tribute to one of these times.