Category: Philosophy
Good news! It’s your fault
Things don’t work out, the stars don’t align, people don’t keep their promises, the circumstances change for the worse…
Museum of Humanity
This is the conversation between a young post-human individual (user) and the Museum of Humanity’s AI (agent).
AI and the future of software development
Humans and machines Machines have long been around us. They multiply our powers and speed and unlock feats we never imagined before. Through all these years, the sophistication of these constructs grew exponentially. This increased their usefulness to the point that it is unimaginable for many of us to live without them. I am not…
Why I write and why You should too
Write to learn, to think and to share. It’ll change your life. Start today.
Getting deeper into what growth means. How it’s vowen into my daily life and what steps am I taking to cultivate it.
A Purpose in Life
To grow and to serve in harmony here and now. This post is an exploration of my calling in life. I pose questions and dive into the meaning of this phrase.